晒溫馨全家福籲留家抗疫 陳智燊宋熙年宣佈懷第二胎

2020-03-31 13:33

陳智燊(Jason)和宋熙年結婚3年多,前年8月誕下兒子陳裕炘(Damon)。抗疫期間,一家三口都多留家中避炎,昨晚夫婦倆又於社交網貼出全家福,齊撐「#I Stay Home for」的Hashtag活動,二人表示為自己和家人留喺屋企。不過仔細一睇Jason拎住嗰幅畫,發現畫中的媽咪腹中有個心心,再望一望啲Hashtag「MotherOfTwo」、「FatherOfTwo」、「BossBaby2」、「BigBrotherDamon」、「familyof4」、「Damon哥哥」等,原來宋熙年懷第二胎了!

宋熙年以英文留言:「The past few months have given motherhood a new level of responsibility
and made our family stronger. Being blessed with another family member, we first have to be physically and mentally fit so we can continue to look after each other, protecting ourselves is of the utmost importance. The Chans are so excited and staying positive, and at the same time hoping everyone can fight this Pandemic together as one!」她表示獲悉喜訊後,陳氏一家都感到興奮和正面,同時也希望大家可以共同對抗疫情。

另邊廂,Jason亦於社交網寫道:「I’m so lucky I have the perfect family who give me the strength to do my best to protect them. Now we are blessed with the extra family member
who constantly reminds to stay vigilant, to stay positive in these difficult times. We have to look after ourselves and look after each other! And congratulations to Baby Damon who’s going to be a big brother!!! Thanks to my lovely wife who’s not been out of the house much. I promise I’ll take you somewhere nice once we’ve gotten rid of this virus.」並感激一眾親友祝福,以及全球醫護人員的付出等。

此外,為了讓大肚妻安心於家中養胎,Jason都幫手去超市買糧食及日用品,太太宋熙年昨晚都特意出Ig story表揚他買啱嘢,順利完成任務!Jason就搞笑以英文回覆:「啲舖頭遲開早收……呢個真係一啲都唔容易!」



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