又中又英|fizzle out

2023-01-30 23:00

又中又英|fizzle out
又中又英|fizzle out

Most countries have already ended their mask rules now that the coronavirus, which killed millions around the world, is fizzling out. South Korea recently became the latest country to end its mask rule and Japan plans to do the same soon. Taiwan ended its outdoor mask rule a month ago, but Hong Kong is still grappling with its mask rule. Masks served us well during the pandemic but should we now part ways with them? If something fizzles out, it means to gradually end, especially in a weak way. The expression “grapple with” means to try to deal with a difficult issue or problem. To part ways with means to end something, such as a friendship.

I believe we should part ways with wearing masks once it’s safe to do so. It’s not natural to wear masks. I am now in Taipei on an extended holiday and have noticed that almost everyone, except foreigners, still wears a mask outdoors even though the government ended the outdoor mask rule over a month ago. It’s not normal for young children to wear masks and to grow up seeing people wearing masks. It makes them unable to recognize people. Sooner or later, we need to tell ourselves Covid is not going away like SARS. SARS was the first 21st century pandemic.

It began in mainland China in November 2002. I had just returned to Hong Kong after many years in the US and was scared to death. If you are scared to death, it means you are very frightened. SARS fizzled out after eight months. Covid won’t fizzle out, but we must live with it without masks.

夺去全球数以百万计人性命的新冠肺炎病毒现在既已逐渐终止(fizzling out),大部分国家都已结束了他们的口罩令。最近南韩成为最新一个结束口罩令的国家,日本也计划快要如此实行。台湾在一个月前便已结束了其户外口罩令,但香港则仍与其口罩令艰苦扭斗着(grappling with)。疫情期间,戴口罩确实于我们甚有帮助,但我们现在是否应与其分道扬镳(part ways with)了呢?若某事物 fizzles out,意即它会逐渐消失,通常是微弱地悄悄灭没。习语“grapple with”是指去努力对付一个难题、拚命搏斗。To part ways with是指去分道扬镳、结束某件事,例如一段友情。

我认为,只要在安全的环境下,我们应割舍(part ways with)戴口罩这回事。戴口罩本就不自然。我现在于台北,度过我那延长了的假期,我留意到在户外地方,除了外国人之外,差不多所有人都还在戴口罩,即使在一个月前政府已经结束了户外口罩令。对于小童而言,要戴口罩以及在成长期间看着别人戴口罩,都不是正常的,这会令他们无法辨认他人。或迟或早,我们需要跟自己说,新冠肺炎并不会像沙士一般消亡。沙士是二十一世纪的首个大流行疫症。

它于二零零二年在中国内地首先爆发。当时我刚从久居多年的美国回港,真是 scared to death——若你是 scared to death,意即你非常害怕、吓得要死。沙士于横行八个月后悄悄消亡(fizzled out)。新冠肺炎并不会悄悄消失(fizzled out),但我们必须不戴口罩的与之共存。

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Michael Chugani褚简宁





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