又中又英|A far cry from

2023-04-12 23:00

又中又英|A far cry from
又中又英|A far cry from

Time flies, as the old saying goes, which means time seems to pass very quickly. I find it hard to believe it’s been nearly two years since I left Hong Kong for the US. I have taken so many flights visiting US relatives that I no longer remember how many. My last flight was from Los Angeles to Taipei. Soon I will board another plane, this time from Taipei to Hong Kong. One of the things I dread about flying is an announcement saying my flight has been delayed. To dread something means to be worried or afraid something will or may happen.

Most US airports are a far cry from airports such as those in Singapore, Doha, and Tokyo Haneda. The expression “a far cry from” means very different from something else. The airports in Singapore, Doha, and Tokyo Haneda were recently rated the world’s top three. US airports are very different from these top airports. They are basic compared to Singapore’s airport which has an indoor waterfall, and Doha’s airport which has been described as the most architecturally significant and luxurious in the world. Many flights were delayed during my US travels. I had to pace the floor at the airport while waiting for my flight.

To pace the floor means to walk back and forth or round and round when you feel angry or nervous. Another thing I dread about flying is turbulence, a weather condition which causes a plane to shake. Experts say turbulence is rising because of climate change. The safest thing during turbulence is fastening your seatbelt. I fasten mine for the whole flight except when I use the toilet.

俗语有云:time flies,意即时光飞逝。我发觉我很难相信,自我离开香港赴美,已经接近两年了。我搭了无数的飞机去探访美国的亲戚,多得我都记不起搭了多少程。最后的一程飞机是由洛杉矶飞往台北。很快我便会搭乘另一班飞机,今次是由台北飞往香港。搭飞机其中一样我惧怕(dread)的是,广播宣布我的航班延误。To dread something是指忧心或害怕某事情将会或可能发生。

大部份美国的机场都与其他的机场如新加坡、多哈和东京羽田机场大不相同(a far cry from)。习语“a far cry from”是指迥然不同的。在新加坡、多哈和东京羽田的机场,最近获评为全球头三位。美国机场跟这些顶级的机场相去甚远,相比起有室内瀑布的新加坡机场,以及在建筑学上被形容为世上最值得关注和豪华的多哈机场,美国的机场都很简陋。我周游美国期间,许多航班都延误,我等候航班时,要在机场pace the floor。

To pace the floor是指你在感到生气又或紧张时来回踱步,又或兜兜转转的踱来踱去。另一样我对于飞行感到惧怕(dread)的是turbulence,就是令飞机摇晃的乱流。专家们说,因为气候变化,乱流(turbulence)也有所增加。遇上不稳定的气流(turbulence)期间,最安全的事就是扣紧安全带。除了去厕所,我搭飞机会全程扣好安全带。

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