又中又英|Makes your heart race

2023-09-15 00:00

By the time you read this, I will be in California. A few days after that, I will return to Hong Kong. Seeing Hong Kong from a plane window always makes my heart race whether during the day or night. The night view from a plane window seat always takes my breath away. Hong Kong harbour has one of the world’s best nighttime views. I never get tired of looking at it. The expression “makes your heart race” is used when you are very excited. Taking drugs also makes a person’s heart race.
If something takes your breath away, it means you are full of admiration because it is so beautiful. The expression can also be used for a beautiful person. When I lived in Hong Kong, I sometimes took the Star Ferry to Kowloon. There are places for people to sit above ground level near the clock tower. I would bring a small bottle of wine, buy a hamburger, find a good seat, and enjoy the night view. The day view from a plane window is also stunning, which means extremely impressive or attractive. I can see all the skyscrapers and the daytime harbour view.
I was born in Hong Kong. That’s why it always excites me when I return. I mostly speak English in the US except when I am talking on the phone with friends in Hong Kong. But in Hong Kong I can speak Cantonese with my friends and English with my foreign friends. It’s the best of both worlds, which means you can enjoy the advantages of two very different things at the same time.

当你读到这篇文的时候,我已身处加利福利亚州。待在那儿几天后,我便将回到香港。从飞机的窗口望到香港,不管是日间还是夜晚,总是令我心跳加速(makes my heart race)。从飞机靠窗的座位观看夜景,往往令我惊叹不已(takes my breath away)。香港的海港是世界最佳夜景之一,我看它是百看不厌。习语“makes your heart race”是用来形容你兴奋莫名。吃药也会令一个人的心跳加速(heart race)。
若某事物 takes your breath away,那即是你对它赞叹不已,因为它美得令人透不过气来。这个习语也可以用来形容一个人美得惊艳。我以前住在香港时,有时也会搭天星小轮到九龙。在钟楼附近,在地面以上的楼层有地方供人闲坐,我会带上一小瓶酒,买个汉堡包,找个好位置,然后观赏夜景。飞机窗口看到的日间景致同样stunning ,意即美不胜收、令人目眩神迷。我可以见到所有摩天大楼和日间的海港景色。
我在香港出生,因此每次回港,也会令我心神激荡。我在美国主要说英语,除了跟香港的朋友打电话聊天。但在香港,我可以跟我的朋友们说广东话,跟外籍朋友说英语,这真是the best of both worlds,即是一举两得,你可在两样不同的物事中各取所长。

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